
National Sales Team in charge of Sinclair Broadcast Group’s Owned and Operated properties is looking to create holiday-specific templatized client-facing sales presentations to promote premium banner ad sales on 160+ local news sites throughout the States.

Marketing Creative Services Team was charged with creation of said presentations in advance for the entire year. The list of holidays was split between several designers to speed up the production.

My role
  • Art Direction
  • Image Curation and Creation
  • Presentation Design
Length of project

2 days per theme

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Powerpoint

1 designer

Project Requirements

  • Create a holiday-themed suite of display ad templates for Home Page takeover with the following sizes: 300×250, 300×600, 728×90, 320×50
  • Countdown clock display banners 300×250, 300×600
  • Wallpaper
  • Sliding Billboard and Pencil
  • Highlighted features mockups
  • Create a sales presentation based on showcasing said ads and features


I began my process by searching for images and setting the mood for the designs. Once the stock imagery has been selected, I began customizing the images and colors for optimal use within the deliverable assets.

Once the banner ads have been created, the next step was the creation of mockups and sales presentation design.


This project had one primary and one secondary audience. The sales presentations were aimed at the potential advertisers. To appeal to those it was important to make them polished and attractive.

Secondary audience consisted from local news sites visitors, which include both males and females in their late thirties and older. Since the ads were highly polished, playful and well designed — they would naturally catch the eye and increase brand recognition.


Business Owners

Joe and Mary — restaurant owners in their sixties, who are looking to grow their business and would like to advertise using their news tv station/local news site. They are running a promotion for an upcoming holiday and would like to reach a larger audience.

Middle Aged Mother

Female 48 y.o., seeks an opportunity to spend time with family without breaking the bank and not working too hard on meal preparation. She goes to her local news site to check on the news, weather, and high school sports.


What I've learned

Working in a production environment has taught me to templatize my work in order to speed up the production. I had to design within constraints — I used stock vector graphics for the illustrations, but would customize them using the color theory, typography and composition principles, adjust scale and shapes.